Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Alcohol “How Far Will Consumption Go” Essay - 866 Words

Alcohol can be an addictive substance if abused on a daily basis or consumed in large quantities. Alcohol is technically defined as, â€Å"a colorless flammable liquid that has the active principle of intoxicating drinks† (HarperCollins Publishers 2009). One of the leading causes of death in the United States is deaths induced by alcohol. There are many types of alcohol that are produced and distributed throughout the country. Common alcoholic beverages that are sold regularly are vodka, beer, rum, wine, whiskey, and much more. Each type does as much damage to the body as the other one, though they differ in amounts, or percentage, of alcohol. It depends on a person’s body type how alcohol will affect them personally. Weight, height, family†¦show more content†¦Alcohol may control your life and relationships.† Alcohol abuse is a problem but it does not concern the physical addiction that alcoholism portrays. The severe abuse of alcohol is the step occurri ng prior to alcoholism. A few key symptoms are listed as drinking alone, sneaking alcohol from others, missing work or other important events, or feeling actual withdrawal symptoms when not drinking. (U.S. National Library of Medicine) Over eighty percent of alcoholics are tobacco users, mainly smokers. If an individual is dependent on alcohol and a tobacco user, the risk of diseases in the liver, lungs, and cardiovascular double. Drunk driving is the leading death among teenagers in the United States. The issue of underage drinking and driving under the influence are most common with teens aging sixteen and up. The necessity to display an ID has become so rare at bars or clubs because of the increased income the business will make from under age profit. Drinking at a young age has been looked down upon because research concludes that the brain is not fully developed and the over usage of alcohol has a chance to deteriorate any future formation. Peer pressure is an immense influence on the rate of teens drinking that are under twenty- one. Other young adults want to break the law just because they can. In 2009, over 12,000 deaths were documented as drunk driving fatalities. Though this issue still occurs, it has decreased drastically since 1982. Instead ofShow MoreRelatedMeholic Alcohol Case Study1611 Words   |  7 PagesAlcohol Use Among Hispanic College Students Along the US/Mexico Border This study was created to observe and gather knowledge of the alcohol use among Hispanic college students along the US/Mexico border. It was successful with the help of two hundred and ninety-six participants. The hypotheses include, males tend to consume alcohol more often and in more quantity when compared to females. The methods the author used included the two hundred and ninety-six Hispanic college students who took placeRead MoreEmily Blair . Ms.Kaba. Research Paper. 13 May 2017. 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